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Preventing child sexual abuse on TikTok

Sexualized content of children is illegal and can lead to imprisonment. TikTok has zero tolerance for child sexual abuse and sexualized content of minors (any person under the age of 18).

Sexualized content of minors or Child Sexual Abuse Material (CSAM) is any visual, textual and audible depictions or production of explicit or inferred child sexual assault and child exploitation. Searching for, viewing, creating and sharing this content is illegal and places minors and society in extreme harm.

How to get support

If you have viewed or tried to view child sexual content of someone under 18, or had sexual thoughts or feelings towards a minor, there are organizations that can help. Please also reach out for help if you’re concerned by someone else’s behaviour.

At TikTok we work with trusted organizations that offer free and confidential support. Below there are organizations that can help:



How to report sexual content of someone under 18

If you encounter any type of content that supports promotes, produces or shares sexualized content of suspected minors (also known as Child Sexual Abuse Material or CSAM) on TikTok, you should: